KDP and DKDP(KD*P) Crystal
Potassium Dihydrogen Phosphate (KDP) and Potassium Dideuterium Phosphate(KD*P) are among the most widely-used commercial NLO materials characterized by good UV transmission, high damage threshold, and high birefringence , though their NLO coefficients are relatively low. They are usually used for doubling , tripling and quadrupling of a Nd:YAG laser at the room temperature. In addition, they are also excellent electro-optic coefficients , widely used as electro-optical modulators, such as Q-switches, Pockels Cell,etc.
Notes : Because their polished surface easier moistens, however, the user is advised to provide a dry condition(<50%) and the sealed housing for preservation.
Physical and Optical Properties:
Chemical Formula KH2PO4 KD2PO4
Transparency Range 178-1580nm 200-2150nm
Density(g/cm3) 2.332 g/cm3 2.335g/cm3
Lattice Parameters a=b=0.7453nm a=b=0.7469nm
c=0.6975nm c=0.6976nm
Thermal expansion coefficient(/K) a1=a2=24.9x10-6/K a1=a2=19x10-6/K
Symmetry 42m 42m
Thermal conductivity(W/cm/C k1=k2=1.34W/mK k1=k2=2.09W/mK
k3=1.21W/mK k3=1.86W/mK
Transparency Range(nm) 178-1580nm 200-2150nm
Absorption Coefficient(cm-1):
@1.064μm 0.03/cm 0.005/cm
Relative Dielectric Constant @ 1KHz, 25℃